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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Pride Park FTW

Its the end of season sale at Pride Park stadium. When they have this clearout every year they always have it in the stadium concours. Always in the East stand concourse too. It's like the Derby County Jumble sale!

Bill and me went on Sunday leaving here about 12ish. We arranged to meet Debz up there but as she was cycling she arrived way before us.

When we got there I was surprised at how much stuff was left and how much they kept bringing out.

It wasn't that busy either for the last day although Ange tells me that on the first day they were queuing round the stadium to get in and they had to let people in 2 at a time.

There were a hell of a lot of kids things, Especially the Slime green shirts. Just shows they weren't really that popular. Most of the adult stuff was Small or Medium but they had a few t shirts in XXL size which is more my size. The player shirts they had left were |Connolly, Addison, Ellington, Green and Hulse.
There were also a lot of replica shirts left too all at £5 which was pleasing as I had just ordered one online too.
I had fun and came out with a few bargains.

In fact I only spent £6.20 and when I looked closer the merch that I bought was originally priced up at £75 altogether.

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1 comment:

evilsquirrel01 said...

Wow, these are great finds! good job! I really admire women who aren't afraid to find sales, bargains and get discounts, and generally getting the best from less.