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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Disappointing day out

Every year our local park is the venue for the local community fun day. I have spent some great times there with the kids playing on the 'Prize every time' games, buying up the little home made cakes, watching band and dancing demonstrations, browsing bric-a-brac stalls and picking up info about local projects.

A couple of years Bret has played in the school band at the fun day and people would gather round with their ice creams and burgers to listen.

The last couple of years tho the event has gone down. There is only a handful of stalls, no cake stall, just 1 tombola stall, a bouncy castle and one of those inflatable bouncy slides.

The worst thing that makes me leave within 5 minutes is the music playing out of the tannoy. It's a family event so they should have pop music playing, you know happy family friendly tunes not pumping drum n bass that makes my heart thud through my chest TOTAL NO-NO!!!

I am really disappointed that within a couple of years this event will have disappeared altogether :(

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