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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pilgrimage to Baldock

Anyone who has known me for more than 18 years knows that My name hasn't always been Maskill. That is just my married name, I was born into the name of Baldock.

I have always known that there was a town of the same name down South but never been there. So while I was having my weekend away in London I decided to make a Pilgrimage to My Namesake town.

The Town of Baldock isn't very big and there isn't a lot there. It is in the County of Hertfordshire and has a population of 9900. I was only there for a couple of hours but I did have fun going round taking pictures of the local businesses that I could pretend belong to me and my sisters...

It is a lovely little town and there is some great olde worlde buildings to be seen.

The church is beautiful and I could have taken so many more pictures

I even took a trip to the park

Oh and don't forget the Baldock Museum...Do you think they'll take me?

Once I'd seen the town I popped into the local for a pint before heading back to London on the train.

Posted via email from jembie's posterous

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