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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

24 hours with Jembie & Sibri

It all started Monday morning when I headed off to Derby bus station to meet Brian off of the old Red Arrow bus.

Brian was suppoed to text me when he was on the bus but I started to worry at 11.30 when I hadn't heard from him. It turned out that he had texted but I hadn't received it yet.

I tried not to rush as it was warm out and I figured that even if Brian's bus got in before I got there he wouldn't mind waiting for me. As it happened the bus wasn't in when I got there and I was waiting for about 10 minutes.


Once Brian arrived we headed towards the Westfield for a wander round. To be honest its not that interesting and neither of us has the money to spend so we found an empty sofa and sat down for a bit to chat and watch the world go by.

After a while we were both getting peckish so we headed to our favourite eatery when Brian is in Derby which is May Sum.

First thing we did was order a nice cold pint each. It wasn't very busy there was only about 5 other people in. This is probably why a lot of the food trays were nearly empty and there wasn't a lot of choice compared to other times we have been at lunch. I piled a plate of finger foods for my starter. My favourite was the Pizza and the samosas. There was no prawn toasts or crispy seaweed which I think just comes out at night.

For my second course I piled on noodles, chicken and vegetables. I had a bit of salad then went for dessert. I got a good bowl of whippy ice cream (No choc fountain at this time if day) along with a piece of chocolate cake and Strawberry gateau.

Fully satisfied with food. We paid our bill and headed out. I had mentioned to Brian about a new store in Derby called Made in Thailand It sells all the kind of things that he likes. We had a wander round the store. There was only us there and the lady working there was hovering but a lot of the items were way out of our price range. I did get a good few ideas for Bri's birthday though and as it isn't until October, I have plenty of time to save ;)

We got back to my house and spent a few hours just chatting and chilling. When Bret got home I cooked his tea then I made tea for me and Brian. I had planned ahead. Jacket spuds with Egg and Beetroot Salad and lots of cheese.

In the evening I made up 2 of my speciality Vodka Smoothies.

Then we broke open the sweets and chocolates and settled down to watch Valentine's day. I could watch it over and over. It is a lovely movie with a great star-studded cast. I love RomComs me!

It was around midnight when we turned in for the night. I gave my bed up for Brian and I slept on the sofa with my new duvet that I haven't used before. The funny thing is I didn't get to use it as I rolled it out on the floor and the cats descended on it. So no cover for me but It was so warm in the front room that I doubt I would have needed it anyway. I did attempt to catch up on Pschoville 2 but as soon as I put my head down I was asleep.

Tuesday morning we were awake by 9am. I made us a cuppa and breakfast then we chilled some more before Brian realised it was nealy 11am and time to make a move. WOW 24hours were up already...


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