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Sunday, July 03, 2011

Take That Progress live tour (pt1)

It is 15 years since the last time I saw Take That live in concert. I had bought the tickets as a 16th birthday pressie for my sister. I got a tour deal so we got a coach to London 1 night stay in a hotel and a day out the next. The worst thing back then was that just before we were due to go see them Robbie left and so on the night at Earl's Court we only saw a 4 man Take That.

Fast forward to 2011 and this is the reunion tour we finally get to see all 5 of the original line-up. I didn't really relish the thought of Robbie coming back to the band after all this time if I'm honest. I think there was some kind of closure needed though from all those years ago. I loved the original 5-piece Take That and after a while I even loved the Solo Robbie Williams but I haven't been a big fan of the new album Progress. It has too much of Robbie's influence and is not so much of the gorgeous melodies and lyrics that we've come to know and love from Gaz and the boys.

It was so long ago that we bought the tickets that excitement had time to build. By Friday I was counting the hours and by Tuesday morning My stomach was doing all kinds of acrobatics. I knew then I was in the right place as this is the old feelings of gig excitement.

We all met at Ange's house. The plan was for Zoe to drive to a small station just outside of Brum and we would catch the the train to Aston.

We parked up at Blake street station and bought our return tickets. £3 - bargain!

There was a group of 4 people waiting for the train too and I guessed they were going to the same place as us. The journey was about 25 minutes. There was a big shock when we got off at Aston station because at least 100 people got off obviously all going to see Take That. I was unsure of where we were going from there. You get off the train and the steps take you right onto the street but we just followed the crowd. It was about a 15 minutes walk to the Stadium.

Along the way there were many businesses that were offering their Car Parks for a tenner a time for Take That parking. I don't blame them really. They probably open as football car parking on Match-days too but for less. One small housing development had a sign up saying Car parking £10 - All money goes to Homeless charity. Well that is good if it is true.

We went round a corner, under a bridge and suddenly we could see the stadium and LOTS of people. There was a big queue that followed a wall around a church. After walking on for 5 minutes we realised we had to go back and join that queue.

There was a woman sat on the wall with a sign asking for a ticket. We all said "Yeah Right!"

The line was moving quite fast as lots of people left it - We were in the Blue line. There was also a Green line and a Yellow line.

We followed the line in front until it went round a corner and there were the gates...

Pt2 Coming soon

Posted via email from jembie's posterous

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人生過客W said...

was this the 27th or the 28th? I was there on the 28th and the boys were great! Have been a fan since 91 and I flew all the way from Hong Kong to see them. This was my first time seeing them live and everything was just perfect. Great!

Jen said...

It was the 28th so we were there on the same night.
WOW all the way from Hong Kong!
Pt2 on its way