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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tramlines Music festival - Sheffield 23/07/2011

I never heard of Sheffield's Tramlines festival before but I was dead excited when I heard Alistair was playing there. He hasn't come this close to my home since 2008 when he played in Notts with Ivyrise.

Bret and I got up quite early Saturday morning. Although it didn't start until 2.30pm the website warned of long queues to get in anywhere. There were lots of line ups in lots of venues all over the city.

We arrived in Sheffield about mid-day and although I lived there for nearly 3 years, I couldn't recognise any of it. Bret kept reminding me it was 20 years ago so I guess it has changed a lot. Even the outside of the station had changed and it's all modern now.

After some frustration when I couldn't get a signal on my phone I finally was able to connect and find our way using Google maps. I am sure it took us the long way round though as we were walking for ages. When we finally got there we were met by this huge queue. It was just after mid-day but there was already 100s of people there and we queued for half an hour.

When we got in the place was packed. There was fair rides and all kinds of stands and stalls. Lots of food outlets too and Beer tents. The stage was at the far side of the green then there was a bank that went up. The green was 3/4 of people but I saw a patch of grass free on the bank and claimed that. I didn't really fancy being right down in the front anyway as we wouldn't be able to move for the toilet or refreshments etc...

It was a lovely atmosphere. People were sat on picnic blankets with food and drink and there were families and groups from all ages. There was a huge queue behind us and as time went on lots more people were stood behind us but the feeling was still great. There had been black clouds overhead and rain was forecast but it was red hot all day and there was me in my coat as usual. I love to be prepared but I ended up being sun-burnt as I wasn't prepared with the suncream.

The first act on were a girl group called Duchess. I guess they aspired to be Destiny's Child but there was confusion on which one wanted to be Beyonce. They were alright but nothing special.

Next were SixD. I had only heard of them because they were on Scott Mills' show a few days before. They are supposed to be like Flawless with singing but to me they are more like S Club 7 but for the 21st century. A lot of the kids liked them. So far though we could still sit on the grass and listen and see the stage perfectly.

The Reason 4 were a bit more popular and people gathered and more people stood up to see them. They did 3 songs and were very good at getting the crowd going. They are all very ripped and toned and I bet there were a few swooning women (and men) You may remember them from X factor last year.

Ivyrise were next on the bill. As I said, I have seen Ivyrise before when they toured with Alistair and Paper Heroes so I knew how good they were and thought it was time to stand up. They were quite popular with a lot of others too. They did a good set of 4 songs. It was the first act who performed good music - ll the rest had been just singing along to track but Ivyrise were a proper band with proper instruments and they really rocked it.

Rizzlekicks were next. I had no idea who they were but I had heard their hit "Trumpet" before. They were actually great fun to watch. they have loads of energy and were just jumping all over the stage. I had a job getting pics of them together. Lots more people were standing now as they all wanted to see what was going on.

Down in the front it was getting really raucous. I was so glad we stayed where we were as people were throwing bottles and pints of beer and food. It was nasty down there. Each time the Hallam FM presenters came onstage they warned of ejections but that didn't really work.

It got a little crazy from here on in. As soon as Pixie Lott was announced on stage hundreds of people appeared from nowhere. So far I had a perfect view of the stage but now all I could see was this

Luckily Bret was able to take my camera and hold it above his head to take some good pics. Pixie did a short set of 3 songs but she was good. She had a band and didn't just sing along to a track like most of the other acts.

Olly Murs was up next and unfortunately I still didn't get to see anything. He was great live from what I could hear. Great energy and banter with the crowd. He didn't have a band just sang along to a track but it didn't matter. I did manage to get some pics from over my head (and Bret's head) Rizzlekicks came back on as Olly's new single (heart skips a beat) features them.

There was a half an hour break after Olly and suddenly the crowds dispersed. I was happy in a way as it meant I might actually get to see Alistair's spot but I was sad in another way as all those people weren't staying to see him. They were going to miss one hell of an act.

Bret and I moved down to the top of the bank. Bret suggested we move down to the front of the stage but I didn't want the risk of being pelted by bottles or worse. Where we were was fine.

Al came on to great reaction. He looked great too. He had posted on Twitter that he was going to wear the tightest trousers he could find and boy did he just!!

He did a great set. The longest set of the day of 6 songs. (Not sure if this is the order - It went by in a blur)

Blinding lights


Blown away

Save This day

All these dreams

Just Drive

Alistair really did rock the crowd and they seemed to like it. There was a lot of jumping up and down and waving of arms down in front and there were still a lot of people around rocking the the sound of The Griff.

We left after Al finished. We were hot and tired and it was a long walk to the station. I was also hungry. I hadn't thought about bringing lunch or drinks at all. I also hadn't brought money either. Earlier on I had given Bret some money to get a pizza - which wasn't a bad deal really £2 for a 7" pizza but I thought I could wait till I got home.

We were home by 9PM and I made Sausage Sarnies YUM!


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