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Saturday, September 03, 2011

Alvaston Park

This place holds lots of memories for me.


The college I went to after school isn't around any longer but the grounds it used to sit in neighboured the vast grounds of Alvaston park. This meant that it was always a place to escape to.

I hated college. I thought it was going to be so grown up and cool. I thought it would be less judgmental than school and I would make loads of friends but I was wrong. I couldn't make any friends and I really struggled with the classes. So whenever I could escape I would go sit in the park and watch the world go by. I would feed the ducks and enjoy my own company.


Also fast forward to when my children were little I used to take them up to the park as a free day out. We would go feed the ducks and have a picnic and they would play on the play area while I sat and read a magazine.


So it was lovely to go back there yesterday. It has changed a lot. There is now a brand new play area with lots more activities for kind of all ages. There is also a purpose built tea rooms and toilet/changing area too.

There seem to be hundreds more ducks than I remember and whereas they used to have boats on the lake, they don't seem to do boats anymore. The pathways were coated in Duck poop so much so as you couldn't walk without having to tread on it.

I took a slow walk around the lake stopping to feed the ducks and rest a while.

There were more than just your normal Mr & Mrs Duck. There were Geese and Moorhens and Swans and loads of Seagulls. There were also some larger ducks out there and even a few Crows came to get in on the Bread action.

There was quite a bit of Flora and Fauna too although I got annoyed because the batteries I purchased for my camera only lasted about 20 minutes and I didn't get to photograph half as much as I wanted.


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