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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


For weeks now Chris Moyles and his team have been talking about the New blockbuster TV show in the States Heroes, Chris and his team have all seen preview DVDs of the whole first season and are raving about it. Jo Whiley and Edith Bowman have also been going on about it which is perfect for making you also want to see it.

The show doesn't start in this country until Monday 19th but surprisingly such a big show like this hasn't been brought to this country by SkyTV or even Ch4/E4 but is being shown on the SciFi channel. Whether the subsequent seasons will make their way to Sky like 24, Nip/tuck and Lost before them - Only time will tell.

Fortunately for me I found that some kind soul has the whole of season 1 for download and ready converted for the PSP.
Last night I watched episode 1 and you guessed it - I AM HOOKED!
Basically the show is about a group of people from all walks of life and all areas that find they have some kind of special powers. My favourite is a Japanese guy - aptly named Hiro - who has the ability to not only stop time by just concentrating hard but he also manages to transport himself from an underground train in Japan to the streets of New York just by willing himself there. I am looking forward to watching the rest and seeing how the characters develope.

At least now when Moyles goes on about it I will be able to understand what he is talking about.

Stumble UponStumble it!


Val said...

So, what are you making of it, Jen? I watched the first episode last night, but gave up part way into episode 2 as it was getting too gory for me - shame, as I like the concept, but I can't cope with blood and guts!

Jen said...

Oh Val you should try and stick with it. There isn't that much gore really.
I am on episode 8 now and trying to sneak a few minutes to watch more where ever I can.
As it goes on there seems to be more connections between the characters coming up in each episode. Not to mention the time travelling Hiro from the future!

I hope you can give it another go!