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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

...It's a Small world after all!

I know I omitted to mention that I was featured in the local newspaper last week. The reason mainly because the link to the page on the site is about 100 lines long and I didn't get a copy of the actual paper myself...Until today that is.

Today I made a visit to the old area of Derby where I grew up to meet an old friend of my mum's.
Donna worked in the local Iceland back when I was a girl and she was my mum's only ally when things around her were really crap. She would often nip in for a cuppa when my mum wasn't at work and she also told me that my youngest sister Debz spent a lot of her time in Iceland chatting to her and getting her in trouble. I do remember that when I had DD she had just found out she was pregnant and of course her DD is now 14.

I was a bit nervous on the bus as you would be when going to visit someone you haven't seen for 14 years. It is quite freaky really the way we got back in contact. You see I put a wanted ad on our local freecycle group to see if I could get hold at least 1 copy to send to my Nan. She saw the ad then checked the paper and it clicked who I was. She invited me round for a coffee and a catch up. Of course since we last saw each other she has also had 2 gorgeous twins about the same age as my DNiece.

I didn't need to be nervous though as I was right at home and found it easy to chat away about all sorts. Her hubby was great too and it seems we have a bit in common where computers are concerned.
In fact we chatted so much that I lost track of time. I had planned to get some shopping done in ASDA before coming home but I didn't have time and ended up running for the bus - Maybe that was a bad idea as it was the school bus and it was full of rowdy teens. There was no room to sit down and I was desperate for my inhaler. I took the first chance to get off that I could and did a bit of shopping at Somerfield instead.

I am definitely going to try and keep in touch. It is nice having people around that knew my mum.

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