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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Day 3 - Sunday

Again I was woken by seagulls at about 6am but I went straight back to sleep.

The plan for today was to relax in the morning. The children wanted to go swimming and I wanted to just sit and read my book and not have to do anything too energetic. However once they had been gone about half an hour, I got restless.

Derby were live on Sky so my plan was to go over to the bar around 1pm for lunch and then sit and watch the game. Instead I left the caravan about 12ish and wondered over to see if I could see the kids in the pool. DD had categorically told me I wasn't allowed to watch and in no uncertain terms was I too take any pictures of them in the pool.
Well I couldn't see them in there anyway so I had a little play in the arcades and then decided to go sit in the bar for a quiet drink.

When they were done swimming, DD & DS joined me and we had a small lunch. I did quite fancy the Sunday Carvery lunch but as they both just wanted a lite lunch I agreed we would all have Onion rings.

After lunch DD and I made ourselves comfotable on the leather sofa in front mof the giant screen to watch the game.
Derby were crap we lost 2-0 a good waste of 2 hours...

The children asked if they could go back into Scarborough. I didn't really want to go back and wander the arcades so they got on the bus and went by themselves. The last bus back was 7pm so they just had a couple of hours.

I wanted to find where the beach was. On the map it said 100 yards away. It wasn't wrong. Only what it didn't tell you on the map was that it was down a steep hill which of course means back up a steep hill to come back. It was breath-taking views though so I was so glad I had taken the walk.

The other thing that was breath-taking was the icy cold wind so I didn't venture onto the beach. I can imagine in the height of summer that this is a right little sun-trap.

I wandered back to the caravan and sat to read my book. I have to say Moyles is absolutely hilarious. I had the door to the caravan open and I bet people were wondering what was going on as I was crying with laughter yet again.

The children returned about 7.30pm and we decided to spend our last night on the park taking advantage of all the entertainment available.
We got takeaway and took it into the club. It was nearly 8.30pm and the place was deserted. There were about 6 kids on the dancefloor and about 20 tables of people.
The first part of the evening for the kiddies was a little play - Sparkey's New Clothes -

I loved it! I know I shouldn't but I did. It is great just to be a kid for a few moments. After the little performance was our last chance to see Jinx! It was tough work for them as there were few people in the room but they were brilliant. A holiday camp is the perfect place for them as they tailor their performance and their set perfectly.
The final piece of entertainment for the night was the Party dances with the Teamstars.
DS was straight down there to try and win a prize. They did his favourite dance "The court of King Caractacus" I noticed even DD was dancing away in her seat. I didn't join in visually but I was doing the dance mentally in my head.

DS did win this time - A certificate of achievement in recognition of PARTY DANCES. How proud was he?!!!

We stayed right to the end of the evening and I couldn't believe that this was it, more or less our holiday was over.
We got rid of the last of our change in the arcade and headed back to the caravan to pack.

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