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Sunday, May 06, 2007

I'm not a buddhist and I'm not gay...

Friday night as both my children deserted me I didn't want to spend my weekend sat around on my own wondering what time everyone was coming home so I jumped at the chance when Brian invited me over.

Brian was hosting a get together for his Gay and Lesbian group. It was initially meant to be a Picnic in the park but as the weather was a bit dodgy he decided that it would be safer to have the picnic on his front room floor and then see how the weather was.

I was up early for a Saturday and sat and watched Hider whilst eating my breakfast (It was only Garth Crooks though) and then managed to get myself on the 11.11 train to Notts. As it was a Saturday, the train was well packed and it was a relief to get off.
I think I arrived at Brian's a little before 12 with my Sainsbury's bag with cooked Chicken and a bag of pre-packed salad as my contribution to the festivities.

It was great to meet Tanya and May. I just don't meet new people anymore. It is good to just get out and learn new stuff too.

There was a huge feast and soon we were tucking into Quiche, Sausage rolls, Chicken, Salad etc...
There was even a bit of chocolate to finish off the picnic.

I have to admit that I wasn't prepared for all the walking that would be done. If I had, I probably wouldn't have worn me old Spice girl platform trainers and might just have worn some more sensible walking apparel.
We headed off towards the Castle. It is a long time since I went to Notts Castle. Although neither of my children can remember, I am almost certain that we went when they were little.

As we approached the Castle, we could see there was some commotion going on. Bri spotted a couple of American cars and then we heard the music from Grease in the air. It was a promotion for the ITV show "Grease is the word"
There were 2 actors dressed as Sandy and Danny miming along to songs from the film. It was a bit disappointing that they were miming at all and these wasn't any kind of literature to explain why they were there.
None of us actually watch the show so we had no idea if they were actual contestants from the show or just any old actors. I still have no idea what was going on but it was a nice distraction anyway.
Oh if you are wondering where are my pictures? Well of course I totally forgot to take my camera along. Even though I have now got a 2gig memory card, Its no good if I never take the camera...

We walked round to the "Trip to Jerusalem" and had a look round the inside. I know I have been inside once but I couldn't remember anything about it. In front of the pub was a Student union MAYDAY event in aid of supporting Asylum seekers. This really wasn't my kind of thing and it seems I was the odd one out in the group. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the "music" but to me it was just awful noise. Some kind of black political rap band. You know I can't describe it without sounding offensive, you get the idea that I just didn't like it.
There were a few groups with tables there, Friends of the earth etc...

From here we took a long walk to Castle Marina and then an ever longer walk back along the side of the canal.
It was a gorgeous day. The Sun was out and the Sky was blue. It was really hot (Yes I was dressed in a jumper again) It was lovely walking along and looking at all the canal boats moored up but it can get a Little wearing.

We reached the train station at about 5pm and I was so annoyed with myself that I had left my jacket back at Brian's (With my train ticket in) because I now had to face the trek all the way back to his before I could get my train.

May took us to this little tea room across the road from the station. It is an art gallery which sells drinks too. I had never seen it before.
I am not really one for Art and so didn't really think much to the exhibits (Although Tanya is an artist and she didn't think much to them either)

We walked back to Brian's and then Tanya and I made our way back again to the Train station.

I was really looking forward to a sit down only to find the train jam packed full of football hooligans. Forest fans and Crewe fans. It wasn't very pleasant. I squeezed in the end of the train with memories of being on the tube. There was lots of chanting and shouting and singing and stomping of feet as well as banging on the walls and ceilings of the train and I longed for it to pull into Derby. Of course a few of the Forest fans got off at the local stops but the majority were Crewe fans who were changing at Derby so no fear of a sit down before reaching my destination.
As soon as the train came to a stop I was off and jumped into a taxi home.
I got home just in time to make a drink before Doctor Who came on.

Reading this back I have been a little harsh with my moaning. All the walking aside, it was a fantastic day. So refreshing to meet new people and see a few things I haven't seen before.
If I hadn't gone I would just have been sat here on me bum all day so I am really grateful to Bri for inviting me and I do hope we can do it again soon.

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