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Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Family of Blood

An excellent Doctor Who 2-parter ended this week with fantastic acting, explosions, emotions and a much darker side to the doctor than we have seen in recent series.

Anyone wonder like me where they knew the actor from who played (And so excellently I may add) Jeremy Baines /Brother?

Here this may help

He is the excellent actor Harry Lloyd who also played Will Scarlett in Robin Hood.

I didn't watch the episode until Sunday as obviously I was out Saturday night so it was difficult watching it with the kids as they had already seen it but I absolutely cried my eyes out. For so many reasons.

1) Martha - I so felt for her many times during the whole 2 episodes. First she has to deal with being the Doctor's only lifeline then the images of Rose in the journal and then seeing him fall in love with someone else with no regard for how she feels.
Then at the end of the second episode, the doctor asks Joan to come with him, as if Martha didn't even exist.

2) Tim - He stole the watch but it connected with him, in a way that The Tardis connected with Rose back in The parting of the ways. He saw his future and knew that he would go into battle for his country but when the moment came he knew what to do to save his life. The ending where The Doctor and Martha visited him at the remembrance ceremony was one of the most emotional scenes I think I have seen although not a word was said.

3) John Smith - He knew he had to give his life to save everyone else. He saw the future he could have but he knew that it had to end.

I can't believe that now I am a fully fledged Martha fan, it has been in the news that she may only do this 1 season. I do think though that within the psyche of the Doctor that would make sense. After Rose had such an affect on him, he wouldn't want to get so close to anyone again.

This series is finally getting good.

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1 comment:

Corinne said...

Absolutely adored the episode, but I'm so glad that you put up Harry Lloyd's name as it had been bugging me where I'd seen him before - for me it wasn't Robin Hood but I remember him when he was at Uni! Given that I saw a lot of student stuff, and there were quite a few wannabe actors and he was younger than me and whatnot it's probably telling that he was so good then that I remembered his name (though he looked so odd in the episode I certainly didn't recognise him!).