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Monday, October 08, 2007

Another accomplishment

Sorry its been nearly a whole week since i posted last. This is because I have really had nothing to report.
I have done little jobs round the house and we are getting there. If only I could shift this cold I could do a hell of a lot more but my asthma is really holding me back right now and this is frustrating as I really want to get into my bedroom but any heavy lifting is right out of the question.

Friday night I got a call from my Nan telling me that my Grandad had been rushed into hospital. He has pneumonia and was on machines to help him breathe as well as on a drip. He had severe pain down his side and was unable to move. Nan seemed to be upbeat about it but she never tells the full story. I rang both my sisters to tell them and eventually did get through to Ange.

Downstairs had another all-nighter Friday night although the music wasn't as full on as last week so I did finally manage some sleep. I don't think that it ever actually ended as there was a lot of noise coming from the flat all day Saturday.

Saturday I finally got my cooker on. The guy had come round Friday but I still hadn't found one of the ring discs so he was unable to do it. Luckily I found it and he was able to come Saturday morning. That was great as I was really looking forward to cooking a Sunday lunch (Saturday tea actually)
We also went shopping for carpets on Saturday afternoon. I was desperate to get carpets for the kids rooms so that they can finally get unpacked and settled in their rooms. It actually ended up being really easy. I gave the kids a budget and let them go off to look round. DD wants Green and DS wants Blue. I was also looking for a carpet for the hall although it isn't immediately important. I didn't find what I was looking for but DD found a nice carpet at £5 a square metre and DS found a nice blue rollend that fit the bill. It cost £200 altogether so I have about 180 left for a hall carpet or maybe a new bed (Which I really need to get )

Saturday morning Ange phoned me to say that her and Debz were going to Cov to see MY grandad in hospital. She didn't ask if I wanted to go but DS wasn't here and we had arranged to go for the carpets anyhow. I told her to let me know later how he was.
In the evening it was the return of the BBC hit series Robin Hood. Of course, It was during this that Debz rang me to tell me what had happened at the hospital.
Grandad is a lot better now and is able to eat and talk and get up to go to the loo on his own so that is a big relief both for us and for Nan. She is going to be exhausted though with all the travelling to hospital and back as it is a 2 bus 2 hour journey each way and the visiting hours aren't exactly OAP friendly either!

Sunday was just supposed to be a chill day. Sit back and watch Derby on the TV but they lost again so that put paid to a great Sunday...

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Aah glad to hear your Grandad is making a speedy recovery Jen