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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Will this decorating ever stop?

Today I planned to stay home all day and finish painting DS' room. My sister Debz said she would come round and help and boy did I need it.
I have lived in a lot of houses in my time and I have painted and papered a lot of rooms so why am I suddenly so bad at it? I guess it might be because I haven't done any in 13 years but I just can't believe how awful my attempts have been.

Debz on the other hand seems to be able to turn her hand to anything and has been a star for me in this move.
When she turned up I was on my umpteenth break because my hand was seizing up and I was in some considerable pain. She was fearful that the paint left in the tin wasn't going to cover what was left of the room but she got stuck in anyway. While she rollered, I got the brush and did the cutting in (around the skirting boards and door frames) She managed to squeeze a lot more out and I reckon if she had been there from the start then I would have got the whole room done but before long we were clean out of paint. There is 1 wall and about a quarter left to do which will now have to wait for me to get a new tin.

We took a break for some lunch then we set to putting the border up in the front room. It is a good job I had Debz as we still struggled a bit so there would have been no way I could have done that on my own. It took us about half and hour and now it looks fab!

So still to do is finishing DS' room and then I need to paint the Toilet (chosen a bright yellow for that) Then I may paint my bedroom a nice bright Pink *g*

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

The boarder is looking good Jen, and you're catching up... only 6 days behind now ;0)