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Monday, February 25, 2008

Thanks Freecycle

Today I received 2 Dancemats for the Playstation 2. I saw them on the freecycle list and just had to reply. DD has always wanted 1 at home as she loves playing them at the arcades and at school (!) I couldn't let the chance pass.
Then I realised that they were located quite a distance and although I was up for catching the bus, It could have resulted in me getting very lost.

I texted the giver at lunch to ask for directions and got the reply that they would bring them round.
Dead on 3.30 as agreed, the doorbell rang and now I am in posession of 2 full-sized dance mats. I just have to get the games now but they will be great fun for my birthday party...

There are some good people out there!!!

Stumble UponStumble it!

1 comment:

Sibri said...

Will you have SingStar at your Party???

I'm not much of a dancer!