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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Addiction, Dependancy and obsession...

It's not all about white powder, a glass of strong liquid, or horrid sticks of brown stuff.
My dependancy is my computer and the ole Interweb. So to be without it for more than 24 hours is like being made to go cold Turkey with no view of when I am going to get a fix. Or even like losing a limb.

Just like with the Sky Subscription I have been paying my Virgin media bill minus the £5 fee as I deem that to be an unlawful charge. However they have you over a barrell when they turn off your service until you pay it and when dealing with a internet junkie such as myself then yes I think I would sell my own kids just for another fix (OK you know that I wouldn't actually do that but you get the picture)

I actually managed a whole 24hrs without internet or my landline phone (Which is great going considering I don't have credit on my mobile either) but I had to submit on Thursday and ring them to pay it. To their credit though, after I had a moan about how expensive it had suddenly become and how I may have to loose the service altogether soon (AS IF) they made me a new deal. How about 20mb broadband +my 24/7 free minutes phone for £10 less? Considering that I am only currently on 4mb I think that is a RESULT!!

I am still without Lappy though so I am having to sit at the desk and work on the main PC which isn't easy as the darn thing is so bloody slow. I think I may have to do some major housecleaning perhaps including a complete re-format and clean install of the windoze.

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