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Monday, July 07, 2008

Doctor Who - Journey's End AKA End of an era

The long awaited finale finally played out on Saturday night (OK so we had only been waiting since last Saturday but it felt like way longer than a week)

Of course we were left with that cliffhanger last week with The Doctor in the throws of regeneration. I think we all kind of knew that DT wasn't going anywhere but it could have been the world's best kept secret.

So how relieved was I when we were thrown a curve ball and the Doctor saved himself from regenerating "You see, used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but as soon as that was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to, why would I? Look at me. So, to stop the energy from going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle, namely my hand. My hand there. My handy spare hand."

One of the great points of this episode and it's near feature length movie style was that all our favourite characters from the last 4 series all appeared together.

First Jackie Tyler and Mickey Smith arrived in the nick of time from their alternate dimension to save Sarah-Jane from the Daleks (Well it was actually her that saved them to be honest)

We also had Jack who had been fighting through out the previous episode and now was reunited with Rose and the Doctor. As I mentioned in the previous DW entry I thought it was funny how they turned the tables and had Donna perving over Jack instead of the other way round It was funny when she was practically begging him for a hug.

On the Dalek Crucible the scenes with Davros were amazing. Julian Bleach was Brilliant as the Mad Scientist and looking back at the Davroses of yore he stayed pretty much to the original as if it were the same actor not to mention the great work by the make-up department.

Of course the biggest thing in this episode that most people (Well me anyway) didn't see coming was Doctor!2 & 3

Donna gets locked into the TARDIS and all of a sudden the hand starts bubbling and the yellow regenaration lights ooze from Donna's eyes and before her lies a brand new "NEKKID" Doctor

Donna: I-it's you!
Human Doctor: Oh yes!
Donna: [looks down at him, and then away in embarrassment]'re naked!
Human Doctor: Oh yes!

He doesn't stay Nekkid for long though...

OK so we have a second Doctor who is half human but hold on that human is Donna WTF?! Oh yeah the Ood talked about DoctorDonna this must be what they saw. But can you imagine having all the brilliantness of the the doctor with that gorgeous face and that 10inchness but with Donna mixed in too

Human Doctor: ...I grew out of you. Still, could be worse.
Donna: Oi, watch it space man!
Human Doctor: Oi, watch it earth girl! (surprised) Ooh... I sound like you. I sound all... all, sort of, rough...
Donna: Oi!
Human Doctor: Oi!
Donna: Oi!
Human Doctor: Spanners! Shh! Must have picked up a bit of your voice, that's all. Is it? Did I? No! OHH! You are kidding me! No way! One heart... I've got one heart! This body... I've got only one heart!
Donna: You're human!
Human Doctor: Ohh, that's disgusting!
Donna: Oi!
Human Doctor: Oi!
Donna: Stop it!
Human Doctor: No, wait, I'm... part Time Lord, part human! (sarcastically) Well, isn't that wizard?!

Genius writing by RTD though even though I still never softened to Donna, It's all about the writing.

There were so many Highs and lows in this episode taking you on a complete emotional rollercoaster.

One of the best scenes in the entire episode for me was the 2 Doctors and all his friends driving the Tardis to tow the Earth back to its rightful place in the Universe. Its almost what the TARDIS was designed for all those years ago when the BBC first brought it to our scenes.

At this point we were still wondering which one of them was going to die to fulfil Dalek Caan's prophecy.

The finale of this great finale and love it or hate it, it was a complete Squeeing fantasy Happy ending. The Doctor took Rose and Jackie back to Bad Wolf Bay and gave Rose her very own Doctor to keep forever and ever. Only he is more special because even though he has the Docs brain and all his memories and all his gorgeousness, he has only 1 heart and as he is half human unfortunately he will grow old and die naturally one day and no regeneration. I pity poor Rose though because remember that human half is DONNA! Would you really want to settle down and have babies with Catherine Tate????

I personally would like to sned my thanks to RTD for giving us this. I might be as jealous as hell and had a little hate moment for Rose/Billie but this is what rose/ten shipping fangirls have wanted since season 2 began...

Oh yeah and The Doctor took Donna back home and wiped her memories of everything because her brain was about to melt or something.

So the end of another Doctor Who series and end of an era really. There isn't going to be another complete series until 2010 and by then RTD will have handed over the reigns to Steven Moffat but he isn't gone yet because he has written the Christmas special and of course the feature specials that are to come for next year.
Producer Phil Collinson also ended his tenure with the shoe and Exec Producer Julie Baxter (Who talks weird and I can never properly understand what she is saying.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Yes, I can happily imagine spending the rest of my life with that version of the Doctor.... Imagine the humour!