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Sunday, August 31, 2008

A foot note

An eventful end to a really boring week.
Thursday night DS came home from staying at a mates house telling me he had hurt his ankle. He didn't really tell me what he had done and didn't really seem too bothered by it. It didn't look too bad so I wasn't concerned.

Friday morning DS got up limping quite badly and complaining that his ankle really did hurt now and he could hardly put weight on it.
I tried to ring the doctors but they said I had to ring back at 2.30 for an appointment. Now at this stage several people have told me I should have taken him to the hospital but there is one fatal flaw in this plan...I have no money so a taxi to the hospital was out of the question and the other alternative was to make him hobble the 1 mile which I wasn't prepared to do so we were stuck with the doctors which meant he would still have to limp the 250 yrds there.

We did finally get an appt for the Doctor but it wasn't until 4.10pm and then once in the waiting room they kept us waiting until 5pm.
He wasn't very nice either. Seemed to put the blame on me and made out I didn't care about it. He was very rude, condescending and patronising. I was so glad to get out of there.
His verdict was that it was probably sprained but could be broken so to see how he felt in the morning and if it was still painful to take him to hospital for xrays.

What a waste of time that was!

We were meant to be going round to Ange's Friday night as she had just got back off holiday but with DS unable to walk we couldn't go and instead stayed in and watched loads of Family Guy as per most Friday nights.

Instead Ange, Debz and the rest of the clan came round to ours Saturday night. It was a great night. It was so hot that we just stood outside most of the night. Ange brought me and Debz back some Spanish Vodka which was 30% so I was drinking that with Cherry Coke. It was very potent and after a couple I was a bit wobbly.

Ange left just after midnight but Debz stayed on and insisted we got the Singstar out. It was quite fun as we all had a go and Deb was in that mood that she would just sing anything. Even her other half was singing quite a bit against DS.
They left about 2am and by then I was ready to hit the sack. Thank God I could have a lie-in on Sunday as long as I was up for 12.

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