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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Gissa Job!

So today It really hit home that now I really have to get a job and quick!

I went to draw out my tax credits money to do the shopping and pay my bills, but there was only half the amount that there should have been.

I came back home to check out my account online and found only £45 had been paid in. I was gutted. I was expecting £90 - £55 of that was the bills I had to pay.

I called up the IR and got a really rude man telling me that it was because I had a child who had turned 16. I told him that I had filled out all the forms telling them that she was going into full time education to do A levels but he then said "Well you should have phoned us because the forms are a waste of time" WTF??!!

It seems that even if I had rang them, my money would have been cut today anyway and they need to start a new claim so that could take weeks.

Its going to be major pulling our belts in time unless I can get a job now. Well I have been trying for the last 3 years so something just has to happen soon...

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