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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Alistair Griffin - Hilarious!

After last night's little session I have been on a total nostalgia trip today searching Youtube for as much footage I could of Alistair's performances Old and New.

Unfortunately there isn't as much on there as I would have thought so I might have to search out my old gig footage and get it up there too.

I did find this though and I have no Idea where or when it was or how I haven't seen/heard it before. I was crying while watching it. Not with emotion as usual but with laughter. It is absolutely hilarious especially the end...

Stumble UponStumble it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's from a gig at a pub in York called The Independent or something like that I think - possibly a couple of Christmases ago?

*is very sad*