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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 1 & 2

First day of the new regime went to plan as the Pizza and Chips option was always going to be a winner. The pizza was something I already had in my freezer for last week and the chips are cheap from ASDA at 40p a bag.

Today was my first go at making Bolognese from scratch using cheap easy ingredients. I would have normally just bought a jar of pasta sauce to use.

Unknown to the kids, I used the bulking tactics set out on MSE threads for making meals stretch. I added lentils and oats to my mince, onions carrots, peas and sweetcorn. I used chopped tomatoes instead of the usual jar of sauce and whizzed them up with the hand blender to the same consistency. I half cooked it in the afternoon and finished it off just before dishing it up this evening.

I think I got a thumbs up. DS asked if there was potato in it and I guess he meant the texture of the lentils. Bill said it wasn't tomatoey enough but that is easy to rectify.
I cooked way too much but that was planned so that I can freeze it and use it again when we have Pasta on Friday.

I really enjoyed it myself. I felt proud of myself for succesfully following a path and creating this meal that I could happily have had seconds.

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