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Sunday, September 14, 2008

I wanna go back to bed

This morning I got up quite early for a Sunday at about 10am. I was quite aware of thye fact that the electric meter was running low and that I needed to top up before it went off. I hate it when the meter runs out as the burglar alarm starts going off.

I also knew as soon as I came out of my bedroom that the cat litter boxes needed changing as it stunk like a zoo!

I got dressed and went out to the shop even before switching on lappy or having any breakfast. I got to the shop and wasn't happy that there was no litter anywhere in the shop. I picked up some milk and payed for the electric and got back home.

My plan had been to try at the shops at the top for litter but Stupidly I got caught up on something on the internet and before I knew it it was 12pm and my Nan was ringing as she always does on a Sunday so I sent Bill off to the shop for the litter...Then the worst thing that could have happened. Miney, the tabby girl kitten went behind the TV and starting weeing on the carpet. Nan was in full flow but I wasn't listening as I was trying to get to this naughty little kitten. I couldn't so I started ranting at DS who was oblivious with his Headphones on at the PC.

So as we chased the kitten out my Nan started having a go at me for having the cats and how they stink Blah Blah Blah! I got really angry and wanted to just hang up and get this mess sorted. As it is you can't with Nan as although she says she doesn't...She does hold a grudge and will never let you forget something.
So I had to endure yet another lecture of her telling me what I should or shouldn't do with my life.

I finally got off the phone and felt really angry at the kitten AND at my Nan. It took me about an hour of scrubbing the soiled area with washing powder until I was sure the smell had gone...Of course the smell will always remain now and I can't wait for my Nan to arrive in October and tell me so!

Later in the afternoon though I called up Brian and we had a nice long chat and I felt much better. Just in time to watch Hairspray the School musical which is my new favourite show...So much so that I succumbed and watched the movie last night too.

Is it really so bad for me to be crushing over cutie little Zac Efron??

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

How old is he???