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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jen and Julie's high school reunion

Saturday night was the well anticipated school reunion.
I wasn't really looking forward to it as I didn't know what to expect or who would be there. There are a couple of people from my past that would make me very nervous now if I saw them again.
Anyway Julie promised that the night would be on her so how could I refuse?

Julie picked me up at about 6.30pm and we drove into town. Julie planned to leave her car in the overnight car park and come back for it tomorrow. So then we walked to our favourite Wetherspoons pub for a couple bottles of wine and a catch up. Julie has recently started seeing a new man so she had to fill me in with all the gory details plus she wanted to hear about my Griffin encounter with all the bits I didn't mention before.
In fact we were chatting away so much that it was 9.30pm before we left the pub to go meet up with the rest of the crowd.

My stomach was turning over as we approached the bar where we were meeting the others. Julie grabbed my hand and we just stormed through the bar to the stairs that lead down to the dancefloor where all they play is completely 80s music.
As Julie bought drinks I spotted familiar faces. 1 of the old lads I have actually seen a lot in the last 5/6 years as his daughter and Bill were best friends for a while at junior school and I have seen him and his missus around a lot since they moved schools too.
Then I spotted 2 really old blasts from the past. Stephen and Matthew who I haven't seen since our School leaving party in July 1986. They were both cute lads at school but have grown into very handsome men. Finally my stomach was settled.

As soon as we got our drinks, the crowd were moving on so we had to drink up pretty fast and catch them up.

The rest of the night went on swimmingly. I had a good old chat with Matthew and with Robin - the guy who arranged everything and I also had a long chat with John another of me old school crushes. He has changed so much. You know I never really consider myself as much of a grown up but John is a real grown up with his own business and a big house and 2 children who sound so cute. It was so refreshing to listen as he told me all about his 2 little boys who are obviously the centre of his life.

Now one thing you may have noticed is that I didn't really seem to chat much to the girls. I don't know why that is. I guess I felt more comfortable with the men (How bizarre as in my normal everyday life I steer clear of men altogether)

It was heading towards 3am and the party had dwindled considerably and we all piled into an Indian restaurant and were shown to the very glamorous upstairs where we had the pleasure of this big table all to ourselves.
As I had no money Julie said she would order for us to share. I really do need to repay her in some way.
I think we stayed in there for about half an hour and then all piled out to the taxi rank.
I would have been happy to walk home as I was about 10 minutes away but Mark insisted I get in a cab so Julie and Matthew also piled in and I walked into the house at dead on 3.30am.

All in all it was a great night with maybe a couple of hiccups along the way but I think I would definitely do it again. They hold these little get togethers quite regularly.

Now a question for the 2 of you that read regularly....I would really like to keep in touch with a couple of the people I met and perhaps meet up again without waiting for another of these events. Should I just bite the bullet and message them or just wait? Bearing in mind that if they wanted to speak to me they would send me a message so it maybe isn't a good idea??? Oh you know what I am like always procrastinating...

Another thing. I know you regular 2 will be shocked that there are no pictures...I am too. How I went out for a whole night and took no photos I will never know!
I can share old class of 86 photos with you though...

At least it didn't turn out like this one

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