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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Having a Rant!

Well I am just back from town and doing a bit of top up shopping. A bit more than I planned as I came home with 7 bags full from various shops.

On walking around town I noticed more and more OAPs with those bloody 4 wheeled trolleys. They don't hurry along with them and they love to just amble up the centre of the aisles so you can't get passed them either way. Oh and if you try and say Excuse me they don't hear you. You can barge past them but oooh more fool you if you do cos they'll then be able to speed up so they can tell you what a yob you are.

I have also noticed an increase of those 3-wheeled zimmer type things. It's like there is an army of them in a mission to take up the whole path so that you just have to crawl away behind them and then you can't turn down another way as you have to follow them.

When I finally managed to get away from the trolley brigade I wanted to go catch the bus as I had so many bags but the bus company in their wisdom have changed all the bus stops with no indication of why or where your bus might have moved to. There was a jam of buses and although I had been waiting on my own at the stop before the queue behind me formed, by the time we were able to get on the bus, I was at the back because all the old biddies thought they had the right to get on before me. They soon moan at us youngsters but they have no manners or any concept of the idea of being in a queue.

I got on the bus and asked for the £1.30 fare and was told there is no £1.30 fare. Where I wanted to get off was £1.20...Well it was £1.30 the last time I got on but the driver said it has never been £1.30 so somewhere along the line I have been conned.
I sat down and the bus left the stop only to go a totally different way. I didn't have a clue where it was going and noticed the woman in front of me was confused too.
It loked like it was going to go to my stop anyway...Until it suddenly turned up another street going away from where I wanted to go. So both I and the other lady got up and asked the driver where he was going and he told us the route had changed and we would have to get off here.

So I had to walk twice the distance back home with my 7 bags, In fact I may as well have walked home from town as the distance I walked from the bus was just as far anyway. I shall not bother with the buses any longer!!!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,

I really enjoy your blog. I watched an author named Christopher Flett on the Today Show, he wrote a book called "What Men Don't Tell Women About Business" and it shares secrets for women working in business. I thought you might enjoy hearing about him. There could be some great content in their for future posts.

Keep up the great work.

