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Saturday, November 08, 2008

I totally rescued the moment!

Friday night was a weird one. It turned out to be just me. Bill was off to Sheffield to see McFly in concert so I decided to treat Bret and me to the M&S meal for 2 for £10.
This consisted of Pesto Chicken with cherry tomotoes, Dauphinoise potatoes with Chocolate sponge pudding for dessert and a bottle of Chardonnay.

Turns out Bret decided to stay over at his mate's so the meal for 2 became meal for one. I didn't mind as you don't really get enough for 2 anyway. I would have had to use the little plates to make it look more.

There wasn't really anything to watch on TV either as Bret and I were supposed to be catching up on American Inventer and Merlin but i couldn't watch them on my own as he would have to come in and watch them anyway.

So I spent the night flicking through the channels being quite bored.

Bill got back from Sheffield at half past midnight. She was all excited as you can imagine and had lost her voice and was buzzing. She immediately got the memory card out her camera to look at her pictures on the computer. As she was going through them, something happened and the computer crashed. It seemed as if it had wiped everything. The camera couldn't read it, my laptop couldn't read it and everything on the card was all in gibberish. The poor girl was in tears and so upset that she had lost all her 300 photos of the night.

She went to bed distraught but I have some recovery software so I thought I would have a go at seeing if I could recover her precious photos of a night she wouldn't forget.
Yes I did it! I think I have recovered all the photos she took although it doesn't seem to have recovered the videos she took but it's better than nothing I am sure. Hopefully It will put her in a good mood when she wakes up later.

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