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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Movies a-plenty

I am getting rid of my Sky Sports and Movies next week so I have been trying to watch as many movies as I can to get my money's worth.

Not doing reviews as such, just quickies.

St Trinians was a bit disappointing. I guess they will never match the wonderful original series as they really are classics. I enjoyed it to a point though but it was easy to get distracted.
I am glad I got to see it but at least I will know I don't have to buy it.

The Darjeeling Limited was more than disappointing it was bloody downright boring. I hung on to the end but I don't even know what the point of the film was. OK so it was about 3 brothers getting back together and finding their mother but there were lots of things that were explained and I found it a total waste of 2 hours.

Codename : The Cleaner was hilarious. I had never heard of it before. It stars Lucy Liu as this CIA agent undercover as a waitress. However the main story is of a Janitor who wakes up in a strange hotel next to a dead man and can't remember anything. He convinces himself that he must be a spy under cover as a Janitor. I really enjoyed it and have actually watched it twice this week.

On Wednesday night we had a family movie night. Owing to the fact there was nowt on TV and there was a box of Popcorn on the table just screaming out to be eaten.
We watched Iron Man. Bret already saw it at the cinema twice and has watched it god knows how many times since Christmas so he insisted we should watch it.

It was OK I enjoyed it. There were some funny bits in it and I would like to see any sequels they make to it. Don't know if I would bother watching it again soon though.

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