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Monday, March 09, 2009

Dancing on Ice

When this series started it looked like an interesting line-up

As with other years they started out with a clear favourite - Ray Quinn - who was streets ahead of the others in skating ability and technique and skill. I would say behind him was Jessica Taylor and from then on it was a much of muchness. However as the weeks have gone on most of the other celebs have really improved. Zoe Salmon has stunned me as in the first week she seemed very clumsy but she really stepped up her game and challenged Jessica for the top girl spot.

There has been 1 blot on the score chart though and that is Collen Nolan. In the early weeks I really enjoyed watching her. She can't skate at all but she is a good dancer and she has a rhythm and style and she was fun. However once it gets down to the wire it is all about talent and skating ability. Coleen can't skate! Jessica and Zoe are doing lots of intricate skating moves unassisted by their partners and Collen never lets go of hers yet last week we had Zoe and Jessica in the skate off when they belong in the final and Coleen going through to the semi-final. It was so sad to see Zoe go as she has done so well.
This was Zoe's final skate.

Coleen is going to find it very hard this week as the required element is solo skate which she cannot do. If the stupid public still vote her through to the final then I will give up watching this show for good.

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