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Monday, July 04, 2011

Take That Progress live tour - The Main Event (pt2)

...Pretty Things was lovely. The 5 of them stood singing on the stage as a pretty Ballerina danced around them. As the song ended there was a bit of Banter. "I'm Gary, I'm Jason, I'm Mark, I'm Howard and I'm Robbie and together we are TAKE THAT" A bit of a stand off between Robbie and Jason (YAWN) and then they attempted the old Boy band jump photo opportunity. I just missed the jump though...

The next set was a lovely treat. They all sat around the piano and a beautiful lady brought a tray of drinks.

Gaz:- Ahhh The last time a beautiful girl brought us drinks, she ended up as my wife. Here's a Red wine for you Howard, A red wine for you Jay, A nice red wine for me and Mark and Rob - Milk for you 2 :-)

There was a little bit of "Come on Come on Come on Come on Take That and Paaaarty" A bit of Do what you liiiike (Do what you like) Some Million love songs, Everything Changes, Babe and the whole of Pray with full dance Routine (Including Gary!) then they sang Back for Good.

I didn't take any pictures of any of this because I was so engrossed.

All of a sudden the last song. Love Love.

There was an encore. A bit of a weird ending really I thought to be honest

- Never Forget

- No Regrets

- Relight My Fire

- Eight Letters

Yes Take That singing No Regrets, the Up Yours song that Robbie Williams wrote aimed at them 15 years ago...

Never Forget was amazing though and I shed a tear. Remember they recorded it with Rob for the Nobody Else album but they never got to perform it together back then. Robbie's lines were never as good sang by Mark.

I am obsessed with Eight letters now. I hadn't really listened to Progressed enough to notice it before but I wish they were releasing it as a single instead of Aliens.

Anyway, All too quickly it was over and we had to join the hoards of people leaving the ground. It felt like we were in one of those movies where they are evacuating the cities. There was about 5000 of us all walking in one big crowd towards the train station. You had to keep up otherwise you would end up being trampled.

When we reached the station there were police directing everyone to make sure they gopt to the right platform. We were told to join the queue however we didn't really know where the end of the queue was. We walked up this dark narrow alley for what felt like miles with many people behind us. When we finally found the end of the line it was a relief but then many people were still walking past us saying "Where's the end of this line?" There was even nearly a punch up when the women behind us thought some other women were pushing in. We were getting a bit worried that we wouldn't make the train but, we needn't have worried as it was very well planned and when the train came in and we started moving the staff were making sure that it was full before it went out.

It was just after midnight when we got back into the car and by 1am i was tucking into toast and drinking coffee and looking through all the photos I have just shared with you.

I so wish I could go again to Wembley this week. There are tickets left...

Posted via email from jembie's posterous

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1 comment:

Wendy said...

It's me, the fan from Hong Kong again! I enjoy your blogs about the gig very much, they've brought back fond memories of the night. I also can't help agreeing lots of your points about the band and abour Rob. it's lovely to see the 5 of time together, but at the same time, it's also weird to see Rob. he was never my favourite in the band and i kinda hated him after he left. but i was really glad to see him. i don't have any of his solo records, never get familiar with his solo stuffs, but i tried learning a few of them before coming so that i could sing along. honestly, he was really great, a natural entertainer. but i do feel a bit sad that he got all the attention, from the fans and from the press. this is a Take That show u know what i mean! and the other 4 didn't seem to mind at all, nice guys. for the past few years, i thought the 4 of them have been perfectly together, but of course it's the 5 of them who make the whole thing complete! no matter how strange it seems (for myself), it's still lovely to have seen Rob. i do not realize that i have so much love for him still, haha. though i do want to see just the 4 of them in future gigs, i'll welcome Rob again, just hope that it'll be a gig with more balance among them. Good if they let Jay has a solo part too ...

anyway, thanks very much for your blogs!!