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Friday, May 11, 2007

Cats - They never get it.

Every morning as soon as I come downstairs, my 2 cats Pica and Ashar start running round like mad things.
I go into the kitchen and they are following me round and meowing their heads off.
I open the fridge and they are there looking up at me with their pleading eyes.
I go to the front room and they are there under my feet, I get up again and it's off to the kitchen they run.

Thing is, I never have any food in at that time of day. In fact I don't ever feed them in the morning until about 11am after I have been out to buy the food for them.
Still they never learn and to them everytime I go to the kitchen it must be feeding time.

I love them to death though and they get their food in the end.



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